Clubs and Activities » Dungeons & Dragons + Tabletoppers

Dungeons & Dragons + Tabletoppers

Mr. Hardesty 
Student Officers: Nathan Druschel (President) and Bryon Breisch (Treasurer) 
Course Description:
D&D - The Dungeons & Dragons Club is dedicated to the greatest role-playing game of all time. Dungeons & Dragons encourages equal parts strategy and creativity. Create a character, join a campaign, and enjoy the ride!
Tabletoppers - If you love table top games, this is the club for you! Gather with friends, old and new, to play a variety of games. From Blokus, to San Torini, to Exploding Kittens (it's family friendly, really!), we have a variety of games built to be played quickly. Whether you use of of the Club's games or bring in your own, we're certain you'll have a great time.
Additional Information: Resources are found on google classroom. Code: ua5yzyd