2025-26 Scheduling Information » 2025-26 Scheduling Information

2025-26 Scheduling Information

Counselors will be in the classrooms during the month of March to discuss the 2025-26 Course Catalogs.  Scheduling request forms will be distributed to students in grades 8-11 and the scheduling process will be discussed with the students.  


We ask that you take the time to discuss course options with your child and reach out to your child's counselor if you have any questions.   Please click on the tab "Ask a Scheduling Question" to your right or call the Guidance Office at 724-397-5551 Ext. 1140.


Scheduling Request Forms are due by .  Students who turn them in on or before the due date will be given priority in classes that may fill up.  Additional copies of these forms can be found in the Guidance Office or downloaded below.


Again, if you have a question about graduation requirements or scheduling, please click on the tab "Ask a Scheduling Question" to your right or call the Guidance Office at 724-397-5551 Ext. 1140.