Clubs and Activities » Student Council

Student Council

Mrs. K. Stallard
Miss C. Kalgren 
Club Description

Student Council is an organization conducted by students and supervised by adults. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
Club Officers: 
President  Olivia Gaston
Vice President Ella Gaston
Treasurer Claire Hood 
Secretary  Selah Petrof
Special Events Coordinator  Mason Desmond
Special Events Coordinator  Brynnley Haggerty 
Red Ribbon Pledge 
Student Council distributed Red Ribbons (donated by Adagio Health) to all of our students during Red Ribbon Week.  Students were then able to sign a red ribbon as a pledge to be drug and alcohol free. Student council members then created a display of those "pledges."

2024 Homecoming Information:
Court Members: Claire Hood, Mollie Shadle, Mikayla Gatskie, Molly Beer, Madi Lipsie, Brooke Heigley, JJ Ferraro, Mason Desmond, Drew Runk, Owen Hopper, Collin Anderson, Landon Cook
Homecoming photos below