Principles of Agricultural Science - Animal (ASA)
Course Description:
The major focus of the Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal (ASA) course is to expose students to agriculture, animal science, and related career options. Students participating in the ASA course will have experiences in various animal science concepts with exciting hands-on activities, projects, and problems. Students’ experiences will involve the study of animal anatomy, physiology, behavior, nutrition, reproduction, health, selection, and marketing. For example, students will acquire skills in meeting the nutritional needs of animals while developing balanced, economical rations. Throughout the course, students will consider the perceptions and preferences of individuals within local, regional, and world markets.
Students will explore hands-on projects and activities to learn the characteristics of animal science and work on major projects and problems similar to those that animal science specialists, such as veterinarians, zoologists, livestock producers, and industry personnel, face in their respective careers.
In addition, students will understand specific connections between animal science lessons and Supervised Agricultural Experience and FFA components that are important for the development of an informed agricultural education student. Students will investigate, experiment, and learn about documenting a project, solving problems, and communicating their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community.